Taekwondo, Hapkido, Jiujitsu, Filipino Arts, Okinawan Karate & Weaponry, Aikido, Police Defensive Tactics, Basic Self-Defense, Fitness Boot Camp, TaiChi, Kung-fu
Martial Art Fitness Centers, Inc
2849 South Broadway - Rochester, MN 55904
507-358-3484 fred.gommels@gmail.com
Private Lessons
Age 7 - Adult
You can learn 3-4 times as much in a private compared to group classes
Train with the instructor of your choice.
We have many qualified instructors.
With private lessons, you can train in the specific skills you'd like to develop and at the pace that is right for you. You always learn at a higher level of quality and at a faster pace than is possible with group classes alone.
Some of the areas to train in:
practical self-defense
forms & technique
advanced basics
hidden applications of forms
black belt principles
weapons training
advanced sparring technique
promotion test prep
police defensive tactics
Private lessons help you maintain your technique, prepare for promotion testing and to expand your skills.
Each private is 55 minutes
Two can split the fee as partners
For groups of more than 2 people then add $15/person additional.
1 Private Lesson
($79 per lesson)

4 Private Lessons
($74 per lesson)

8 Private Lessons
($69 per lesson)

12 Private Lessons
($64 per lesson)

Payment must be made before scheduling
Schedule daytime, evenings, or weekends
All payments are exchangeable but not refundable
All payments are valid up to one year after date of purchase
24 hour notice needed for
private lesson schedule changes.
No refunds
Credit can be issued
Or you may transfer unused private lessons to another person