Taekwondo, Hapkido, Jiujitsu, Filipino Arts, Okinawan Karate & Weaponry, Aikido, Police Defensive Tactics, Basic Self-Defense, Fitness Boot Camp, TaiChi, Kung-fu
Martial Art Fitness Centers, Inc
2849 South Broadway - Rochester, MN 55904
507-358-3484 fred.gommels@gmail.com

No Contracts at
Martial Art Fitness Center
A complete fitness program for
children, teens, and adults.
For the mind: Improve your concentration, self-discipline, self-respect, self-awareness and relieve stress.
For the body: Enhancing your flexibility, endurance, tone, and self-defense through exciting, aerobic martial arts workouts.
Helping parents teach kids discipline, respect, focus and confidence along with physical fitness and self-defense.
What the martial arts can do for you . . .
Martial Arts Teaches Kids Self-Discipline
Toughen Up Your Midlife With Martial Arts
No Contracts
Affordable Rates
Established 1975

A Tue at 7pm or a Wed at 6pm are good times to stop in to observe or try out a class and to get your questions answered. I will be available those nights to give you more detail on our on-going programs.
Fred Gommels
Martial Arts
Newcomer Deal
or Hapkido
Registration = value $49
Uniform = value $49
1 Month Classes = value $99
Value of $197
No refunds
Credit may be issued

Free Trial
Try out a class at no charge to meet the instructors and to see how you like the training. After your free trial class then you should consider our Intro to Martial Arts.
To schedule your free trial lesson:
Contact Fred at: