Taekwondo, Hapkido, Jiujitsu, Filipino Arts, Okinawan Karate & Weaponry, Aikido, Police Defensive Tactics, Basic Self-Defense, Fitness Boot Camp, TaiChi, Kung-fu
Martial Art Fitness Centers, Inc
2849 South Broadway - Rochester, MN 55904
507-358-3484 fred.gommels@gmail.com
Martial Art Summer Camp
Four 1-Hour Classes=1 Session
1 Session $19.00 per person / reg. $29.00
for students and/or parents: Third person is FREE
Taekwondo 5-adult 6p M,W 15,17,22,24 20,22,27,29 10,12,17,19
Taekwondo 5-adult 7p T,Th 16,18,23,25 21,23,28,30 11,13,18,20
Judo 10-adult 7p T,Th 16,18,23,25 21,23,28,30 11,13,18,20
Hapkido 13-adult 6p T,Th 16,18,23,25 21,23,28,30 11,13,18,20
Jiujitsu 15-adult 8p T,Th 16,18,23,25 21,23,28,30 11,13,18,20
For new students only who have not taken our regular monthly on-going classes before.
1 Session $19.00 per person / reg. $29.00
for students and/or parents: Third person is FREE

Following your online purchase of our Summer Camp, please email us the student names & ages along with which martial art you are registering for.
for questions questions call Fred at: 507-358-3484